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GTD - Cheat Sheet


✅ Completed

Put completed task here

You will archive them during the weekly review.
If, rather than being completed, a task is cancelled, just delete it (keystroke Del)

📥 Inbox

Dump anything you want here, no formatting, no labels, no processing!

It may be a good idea to redirect your emails here using the trello email-to-trello feature.

🍅 Now/Pomodoro (1)

Don't neglect this space: it will help you to get back on track if you have fall on a rabbit trail.

There shouldn't be more than one item here (okay, two... if you really have a good reason for it!)

As the name suggests, you may combine it with the Pomodoro technique.

📆 Today

Every morning, plan your day by dragging tasks from the "This week" column.

Don't be too rigid: You may switch back and forth between columns during the day, that's no problem!

🗓 This Week

Every new week, start dragging from the "later" column what you would are committed to do.

Same as the today column: don't be too rigid, you can change your commitments during the week

🗒 Later

Put actionable tasks here, that you are committed to do, but not within the next week.

🗓 Ticklers

My Ticklers are in my Calendar.
They needs to be scheduled monthly.

⏳ Waiting For (delegated)

What are you expecting from other people?

⚡️ Workstreams

Any thing you want to accomplish that will take more than one actionable task (Projects or Outcomes).

Workstreams are labelled Workstream <number>. Tasks that are part of the same workstream must have the same label. In this way you have visually under control the progress of the several workstreams.

Examples are from "Cleaning the garage" to "Write my thesis".

🤔 Someday/Maybe

Things that you may be doing someday, but you have no commitment/actionable tasks yet

No need for processing here : no tags, no obligation for actionables tasks or clear projects...

Review it on your weekly review, dump what you will never do, put to later what you want to do (and process it)